
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016

android mobile applications | GIF moi! Camera Pro v1 52

android mobile applications

GIF -moi! Camera Pro v1.52
GIF -moi! Camera Pro v1.52
Gif Me! Camera Pro v1.52
Gif me! is the best way to create and share short video to animated GIF
It is easy :. capture a moment with your built-in camera and share them on social networks. You can apply an image filter also.
?? * Features * Capture 14s
realtime color filters
* Email *
Share on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr
* You can remove the watermark from
environments * Stop motion or video mode
What is the position of New ? fixed
? ? output fixed orientation
button issue to start capturing
? Bugs fixed
Like GifMe? Please give us 5 stars! Your feedback is very important for our work
Help us improve it by sending your bugs or requests on
Require 2.2 and Up File size 6mb.
GIF -moi! Camera Pro v1.52
Download Gif me! Camera Pro v1.36 Apk

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